현대 상업공간 실내디자인에 나타나는 오나먼트의 표상성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Ornamental Representation in Contemporary Commercial Space

  • 한혜신 (건국대학교 건축대학원 실내디자인학과) ;
  • 김문덕 (건국대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Since Adolf Loos' Ornament and Crime was released, ornament had been regarded as a vice in Modern architecture. In Post Modern architecture, the ornamental vocabularies extracted from the classical architecture have been symbolically expressed. As a result, the significance of existence of and the use value of architecture have increased with improved intimacy to the public. However, many studies that have analyzed architecture in terms of semantics and semiotics focusing on communication between architecture and the public have admitted instability in architectural meaning because of the fundamental difference between architecture and language. At the same time, the architectural representation has encountered a lot of limitations along with the deconstruction and non-presentation theory in Post-Structuralism. Even under these circumstances, the ornamental representation can be a critical factor which makes communication possible while expressing spatial identity in this pluralistic contemporary society. Hence, this paper has established logical grounds for research based on theoretical investigation on the concept of representation, semiotics, and ornamental representation, with regard to spatial communication through ornamental representation in commercial space. Based on Peirce's Semiotics which is the typical theoretical science in terms of representation, this paper has analyzed the three kinds of signs (Icon, Index and Symbol) that he proposed. Peirce's classification of signs becomes ideal when the factors are well balanced, with room for combination instead of strict classification. It appears that his theory of signs would be useful in understanding and analyzing ornamental representation. This study on representational ornament could offer a plan for ideal communication and abundant spatial experience in the interior design of commercial space in which the expression of creative space identity is required.



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