몸 움직임이 공간구축에 미친 영향에 관한 연구 - 감성공간디자인(GSD)를 중심으로 -

Research for the influence of body movement on the space occupation - Focusing on the GSD -

  • 김연종 (호서대학교 실내디자인학과) ;
  • 오영근 (호서대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Recently, 'Emotion' has attracted public attention socially and continuously in the fields such as construction, environment, design and products. Also, phenomenological concept of space through the physique in the viewpoint of the human-oriented aspect, namely, body, has been managed as a planned measure suitable for a new era and space. In this study, the author examined and analyzed the verbs and emotional vocabulary about the human body's behavior. The phenomenological space conception through body, i.e, flesh in this human centered point of view is being treated as the suitable planning measure on the new era and space. Though the epochal issue for Emotion is being attempted in many ways in various field such as product and marketing, the approach through the relationship between human and space. Therefore, we would like to see how the Emotion related to the movement that occurs in the space by analyzing the human body movement which is the subject of experiencing the space experimentally and research the characteristic of Emotion and space movement. SPSS 12.0 was used for the analysis to perform the analysis of basic statistics and Factor Analysis, and then to analyze the characteristic and emotional attribute for the experimental analysis. Comparing the activity for the 2 groups' behavior through the analyzed result with the test, active behavior was found to be higher than inactive behavior in the emotional value, and their bodies' motion showed averagely positive value in the emotional aspect; their bodies' motion was presented differently according to the attributes and amount of the people who would experience a specific space. However, the author found that affirmative and active behavior showed emotional aspect more than inactive behavior.



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