김 가정 소비 지출의 결정 요인 분석 : 선택 편의를 고려한 Type II 토빗 모형을 이용하여

A Study on Determinants Affecting At-home Laver Consumption Expenditures : Type II Tobit Model Treating Sample Selection Bias

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The objective of this study is to analyze the determinants of at-home laver consumption expenditures using the data from a survey of households implemented in 2009. It happened that non-response ratios of monthly expenditures on dry laver and flavored laver among sampled households are 18.8% and 25.6%. Accordingly, this study tries to analyze the determinants affecting at-home laver consumption expenditures by using type II tobit model, one of sample selection models, to deal with sample selection bias caused from non-response data. Analysis results show the age variable positively affects expenditures on dry laver but negatively contributes to expenditures on flavored laver. In addition, the household size, the household's income, the degree of preference for laver have positive relationships with both expenditures. Household size elasticity and income elasticity of the expenditure on dry laver are estimated as 0.220 and 0.251. In the case of flavored laver, these elasticities are estimated as 0.484 and 0.261. Such analysis results can provide information on division of the at-home laver consumption market into groups with high willingness to expense and implementation of detailed marketing strategies to increase at-home laver consumption. The methodology of this study can be applied to consumer preference analysis on other marine products and other analyses on sample with non-response data in the fishery research.



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