자유변동환율체제하의 수산물 수입에 대한 환율의 장단기 영향분석 - 중국으로부터의 주요 수산물 수입품목을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Long and Short Term Effect of Exchange Rate about the Import of Korea's Fisheries during Feely Flexible Exchange Rate System Period - Focus on Main Fisheries Imported from China -

  • 김우경 (부경대학교 국제통상학부) ;
  • 김기수 (부경대학교 국제통상학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This study analyzes the long and short term effect of exchange rate on the import of Korea's fisheries focussed on main fisheries imported from China. The estimation models consist of the following contents. The first model consists of one dependent variable-import quantity of fisheries imported from China(${IMQ_t}^{CHO}$) and three independent variables-${RP_t}^{CHO}$, $EXC_t$ and $GDP_t$. The second one-one dependent variable-import quantity of fisheries imported from China(${JMQ_t}^{NAG})$ and three independent variables-${RP_t}^{NAG}$, $EX_t$ and $GDP_t$. the third one-one dependent variable-import quantity of fisheries imported from China(${IMQ_t}^{AH}$) and three independent variables-${RP_t}^{AH}$, $EX_t$ and $GDP_t$. the forth one-one dependent variable-import quantity of fisheries imported from China(${IMQ_t}^{KO}$) and three independent variables-${RP_t}^{KO)$, $EX_t$ and $GDP_t$. the last one is made up of one dependent variable-import quantity of fisheries imported from China(${IMQ_t}^{GAL}$) and three independent variables-, ${RP_t}^{GAL}$, $EX_t$ and $GDP_t$. and. The estimation results show that exchange rate of the independent variables are statistically significant in only the first model. The figure is elastic. Especially, the effect of exchange rate in first model is grater than that of the. However, the effect of exchange rate, one of independent variables in the ECM, is not statistically significant.



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