토털 패션 Styling을 위한 헤어 행동 연구

A Study on Hair Behavior for Total Fashion Styling

  • 정진태 (경희대학교 아트퓨전디자인대학원.박지영헤어보그) ;
  • 김칠순 (경희대학교 예술디자인대학 의류디자인)
  • Chung, Jin-Tae (Graduate School of Art Fusion Design, Kyung Hee University.Park Ji Young Hair Vogue) ;
  • Kim, Chil-Soon (Dept. of Textile and Clothing Design, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


If people want to project a successful personal style, hair style might play a big role as well as clothing. The purpose of this study was to observe hair behavior according to demographic variables, and to analyze correlation between desired hair image and clothing image sought. Questionnaires were distributed to 600 females aged $20s{\sim}40s$, using a convenient sampling method. Only 556 reliable questionnaires were selected for statistical analysis. Correlation r, ANOVA and Chi-square were used to analyze the data, using the SPSS program. There was a significant association between hair style and occupation. Career woman preferred roll straight perm treated hair, students preferred general perm treated hair and full time house wives preferred general wave perm treated. The medium layer cut was the most preferred cut style. People want to give different accents in hair styling with occupation and age variable. Certain desired clothing image had a high correlation with desired hair style image. Those who people want to express sexy, and bohemian image through clothing, they also want to create those image in hair styling with a high correlation(r=0.683, r=0.704).



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