윤리적 소비의 개념 및 실태에 대한 고찰

Study on the Concept and Practice of Ethical Consumption

  • 박미혜 (인천대학교 소비자아동학과) ;
  • 강이주 (인천대학교 소비자아동학과)
  • Park, Mi-Hye (Dept. of Consumer & Child Studies, Incheon University) ;
  • Kang, Lee-Ju (Dept. of Consumer & Child Studies, Incheon University)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


Nowadays, ethical consumers are increasing and they consider social values such as worker's human rights, environment and animal's welfare as key criteria in purchasing products. This study focused on the academic and practical research of ethical consumption, in which the needs and interests are now growing globally. This study addressed the concept, trend and practices of ethical consumption as well as seeking methods to support and promote ethical consumption. It examined the concept and types of ethical consumption from the perspective of the philosophy on ethical consumption. Ethical consumption was defined as a behavior that intended to improve the environment and the welfare of people and animals by purchasing products produced according to sound ethical principles and avoiding products that are made through the exploitation or the damage of people, animals and the environment. It also dealt with the practices of ethical consumption such as the fair trade movement, Clean Clothes Campaign, boycott, local food movement, animal's welfare movement. In conclusion, I suggested that consumers, companies, governments, and NGOs should make an effort to promote ethical consumption.



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