The Roofing System of High wind-Resistant Performance using Thermoplastic polyolefin and Electromagnetic Induction Technology

TPO 시트재와 유도가열공법을 적용한 고내풍성 지붕마감 공법

  • 최희복 (고려대학교 건축사회환경공학과) ;
  • 신윤석 (고려대학교 건축사회환경공학과) ;
  • 최진철 ((주)원풍) ;
  • 이보형 (두산건설(주) 기술연구소) ;
  • 강경인 (고려대학교 건축사회환경공학과)
  • Published : 2009.02.20


Strong winds according to global warming cause the increase of the frequency and the repair cost of damaged roofs. In the United States, Factory Mutual Insurance Company(FMIC) promotes the roofing design that resists heavy wind-load, as the means of strict criteria. This fact reveals that more durable roofing system will be also required in Korea. Therefore, this study aims at developing such a system with high wind-resistance performance using Thermoplastic polyolefin(TPO) and Electromagnetic induction technology(EIT) than the previous systems. The system presented in this study consists of 4 main devices as follow; 1) a disc to fix sheets for TPO & EIT method, which can conduct structural design according to site condition, such as region, building height, and wind load. 2) a nail to have about 30% stronger lifting-up capacity than that of the previous nail. 3) a disc to fix sheets, which has triangle protuberance not to damage sheets in the repeatable wind load, and 4) a electromagnetic induction device to combine a disc and a sheet by heating uniformly and quickly adhesive agent on the disc. The results of mock-up test illustrate that the system provides wind-resistant performance to achieve satisfactorily the structural design criteria of FMIC. In addition, the system is faster, chipper, and easier than the existing system, and is expected that this roofing system can be applied to the rehabilitations of an existing as well as a new building.



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