A Correlation Analysis between the Change of Managerial Environment and the Business Performance of Domestic Construction Firms

국내 건설환경 변화와 기업경영성과의 상관관계 분석

  • Published : 2009.02.20


Because of its unique characteristics, the construction industry tends to be affected by economic environment more than any other industries. The domestic construction industry was forced to change its management pattern and system when it went through the foreign currency crisis, and since then, the construction industry has been growing in terms of quality over last 10 years, breaking from the quantitative performance-oriented growth in the past. The study was intended to integrate the financial data of the companies during the period before and after the foreign currency crisis so as to analyze the effect of environmental changes on management performance of the companies. It was aimed at evaluating the changes to the stability, profitability and the growth potential, and collecting the data on variation of the market scale, price of resources such as material and labor and the financial environment, thereby analyzing the correlation with the management performance. The study, to deal with the difficulties which are anticipated, like the foreign currency crisis experienced in the past, was also intended to identify the correlation between the economic conditions and the performance of the construction companies, using the experimental data in the past.



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