초기 대응자에 따른 수지 손상 환자의 병원 전 단계 응급처치 실태와 만족도

Survey on Prehospital Services for Acute Traumatic Hand Injury and Patient Satisfaction

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Purpose: This study surveyed how victims with acute traumatic hand injuries received pre-hospital care and how satisfied they were with that care. Method: A total of 100 adults were interviewed using a questionnaire at one microsurgical clinic in Korea. Results: Only 12 patients (12.0%) were transported by the ambulance and the others by private or company's vehicles. Only 9 patients (9.0 %) were able to get appropriate first response from the EMTs or industrial health providers at the scene of the accidents. The mean time required for transportation from the scene of the accident to the operation room of the microsurgical clinic was $372.65{\pm}719.17$ minutes. Most of the patients were satisfied with the pre-hospital care provided by the EMT or industrial health providers but dissatisfied with that provided by lay persons. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that there is a lack in the first response provided at the scene and the activation of EMS (Emergency Medical System) for acute hand injury. It is necessary to educate the public about the appropriate first response and rapid transportation to the appropriate microsurgical clinic.



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