수학적 모델링 사례 분석을 통한 초등 수학에서의 지도 방안 연구

Exploration of Teaching Method through Analysis of Cases of Mathematical Modeling in Elementary Mathematics

  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


Recently, mathematical modeling has been attractive in that it could be one of many efforts to improve students' thinking and problem solving in mathematics education. Mathematical modeling is a non-linear process that involves elements of both a treated-as-real world and a mathematics world and also requires the application of mathematics to unstructured problem situations in real-life situation. This study provides analysis of literature review about modeling perspectives, case studies about mathematical modeling, and textbooks from the United States and Korea with perspective which mathematical modeling could be potential and meaningful to students even in elementary school. Further, teaching method with mathematical modeling was investigated to see the possibility of application to elementary mathematics classroom.



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