• Ebisawa, Katsumi (Seismic Safety Division, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Incorporated Administrative Agency)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


The outlines of seismic PSA implementation standards and seismic hazard evaluation procedure were shown. An overview of the cause investigation of seismic motion amplification on the Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki (NCO) earthquake was also shown. Then, the contents for improving the seismic hazard evaluation methodology based on the lessons learned from the NCO earthquake were described. (1) It is very important to recognize the effectiveness of a fault model on the detail seismic hazard evaluation for the near seismic source through the cause investigation of the NCO earthquake. (2) In order to perform and proceed with a seismic hazard evaluation, the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization has proposed the framework of the open deliberation rule regarding the treatment of uncertainty which was made so as to be able to utilize a logic tree. (3) The b-value evaluation on the "Stress concentrating zone," which is a high seismic activity around the NCO hypocenter area, should be modified based on the Gutenberg-Richter equation.



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