슬관절 전방 십자 인대의 반복 변형하에서의 역학적 거동에 관한 수치적 연구

A Numerical Study on Mechanical Behavior with Cyclic Deformation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament

  • 반용 (단국대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 최덕기 (단국대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.01


Anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) of human body experiences a large deformation. May during everyday when large deformation is repeated by various activities such as outdoor activity, ACL easily get damaged. In order to acknowledge the effect of the cyclic large deformation to ACL, the constitutive equations for ACL are derived from experiment data. The concept of the objective stress rate plays a important role wherever large deformation occurs. In order to obtain the objective stress rates the eigenprojection technique is used. A comparison is made for four different cases: Jaumann rate, Green-Naghdi rate, logarithmic rate and twirl tensor of Eulerian triad rate for an isotropic material subject to cyclic deformation, such as simple shear motion. Four different materials are studied to compare the behavior of the materials for ACL using different objective rates. Finally, more complicated model with fibers for soft tissues is used to calculate the behavior subjected to cyclic large deformation.



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