남자 대학생의 대중매체노출도가 외모에 대한 사회문화적 태도와 외모지향성에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Male College Students' Extent of Mass Media Exposure on Sociocultural Attitude toward Appearance and Appearance Orientation

  • 홍금희 (신라대학교 패션산업학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.07.31


This study aims at examining how male college students' extent of mass media exposure affects their sociocultural attitude toward appearance and appearance orientation. It also investigates how these variables show difference depending on the individual's self-efficacy. For the study, data were collected from 397 male students by means of stratified random sampling. The results are as follows: 1. Male college students 'sociocultural attitude toward appearance was shown in two factors of appearance internalization and appearance awareness. Appearance orientation was shown in two factors of interest in appearance and interest in body weight. 2. Male college students were exposed to mass media in order of videos, movies, TV entertainment shows, music and movie magazines. The influence of video media was strong. 3. Male college students' extent of mass media exposure exerted indirect influence through sociocultural attitude toward appearance rather than exerting direct influence on appearance orientation. 4. Male college students' appearance orientation varied depending on the extent of self-efficacy, and higher self-efficacy showed higher appearance orientation and appearance attitude. Especially the group with higher self-efficacy showed higher appearance attitude when the extent of exposure to mass media increased.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Influence of Men's Media Information Utilization on Appearance Management Behavior: Mediated Effect of Appearance Awareness and Metrosexual Tendency vol.15, pp.5, 2013,
  2. Effect of Sociocultural Attitudes toward Appearance on Appearance Concerns, Appearance Management Behavior, Appearance Complex, Face Satisfaction, and Body Satisfaction vol.39, pp.3, 2015,
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  5. Media Involvement on Appearance Evaluation, Appearance Stress, and Appearance Management Behavior vol.38, pp.4, 2014,
  6. A Study on Dietary Habits, Body Satisfaction and Nutritional Knowledge by Body Image of Middle School Girl Students in Chungbuk Area vol.18, pp.5, 2013,
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  8. Self-efficacy and Body Satisfaction according to College Students' Appearance Management Attitudes Typology vol.20, pp.4, 2012,