포털사이트의 지속사용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

The Determinants of Continuance Use Intention to Use Web Portal

  • 박기운 (한국펀드평가 펀드평가팀) ;
  • 옥석재 (부산대학교 상과대학 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Today, the World Wide Web (WWW) impacts many facets of our lives, including communication, entertainment, social activities, shopping, etc. The web portal is the most accessed type of site and is advertising-supported the more users who visit the site, the more income it generates. User perception to a web site is very important much research has focused on the internet users' behavior. Some well-known theories, such as the technology acceptance model have been used to examine variables that motivate individuals to accept and use an IS. But Understanding continued use is the goal of this study. We focus on user beliefs (specifically, perceived usefulness) and attitude because pier studies of IT usage, predominantly based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and similar models, have established these perceptions as the dey determinants of both initial IT usage (acceptance) and long-term usage (continuance) intention and behavior (Bhattacherjee 2001; Davis et al. 1989). Any change in beliefs or attitudes will likely have a corresponding impact on, and may even revers, users' continuance intention and behavior. Also, continuance use have some features which are prior use, habit, feature-centric view of technology. So this research reflected continuance use features. Examination of the paths in the model revealed several interesting results. First, Perceived usefulness was a stronger predictor of acceptance intention in TAM than attitude, But attitude was a stronger predictor of continuance intention in this study than perceive usefulness. Second, confirmation was not affect directly to attitude. Last, Habit was strongest predictor of continuance intention in this study.



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