공공기관에서의 지식관리시스템 수용의 영향요인과 저항의 조절효과

Factors Accepting KMS and the Moderating Role of Resistance in Public Sector

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


Knowledge is a fundamental assets, therefore, the ability to create, acquire, integrate, and share knowledge has emerged as a fundamental organizational capability(Sambamurthy and Subramani, 2005). This apaper reports the results of an empirical study investigating the factors of acceptance and the moderating role of resistance in Knowledge Management Systems(KMS). The research model is based on the theory of planned behavior(TPB) and technology acceptance model(TAM). It includes the perceived usefulness instead of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control and intention of acceptance of KMS. Also, three external variables namely task-technology fit, organizational support, and perceived rewards are added. In the research model, all hypothrses of the baseline model and the moderating effects of resistance were found to be significant. The authors also of fred several implications based chi the findings.



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