GSS 사용과 성과 요인 : TAM, TTF, 조직구조화이론(AST) 혼합모형

The Influence Factors on Usage and Performance of Group Support System

  • 강소라 (호서대학교 디지털비즈니스 학부) ;
  • 양희동 (이화여자대학교 경영대학) ;
  • 박현여 (신한은행 IT본부)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


This study investigates the effects of individual and group level factors on the use of GSS (Group Support System) and task performance from GSS use. GSS facilitates the group work, so that GSS adoption is not necessarily influenced only by individual perceptions on information systems as TAM insists. Adaptive Structuration. Theory (AST) joins with TAM in our study to explain the adoption and success from GSS use. AST contends that the success of IS is not necessarily the technical fit between tasks and technology, instead the political outcome among user socializations. We found that collected data from 303 individual IT staffs in a national bank. Our results demonstrate that traditional theories on TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) need to be refined, when considering the TTF(task-technology fit). TTF render high influences on PU(perceived usefulness). PEU(perceived ease of use) and FOA(faithfulness on appropriation). And FOA influences highly on our dependent variable. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.



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