소비자 관점의 통신시장 변화 고찰

A Review on the Change of Telecommunication Market in Perspective of Customer

  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


This review examines the rapid growth of qualitative and quantitative of telecommunication industry for past couple of years from customer's viewpoint. Most of the telecommunication products were positioned in the market by the businesses and government's support, but the entity of telecommunication products were never interpreted from the user's viewpoint. Even though, various kinds of telecommunication services have been actively discussed by businesses, government, and IT professionals, it has not been sufficiently discussed by the marketing academia where they need to focus a lot on customer's utility. For the purpose of providing an insight of the telecommunication service marketing strategy, this study looked over old and new directions of growth, failure and evolution of services by focusing on two main pillar of communication business, which is high-speed internet and mobile phone service. Additionally, the research explains and mentions the limit and trend of the telecommunication service marketing, and the future research task that needs to be solved.



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