Moth (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Biodiversity on Island Oenarodo, Goheung-gun, Jeonnam

전라남도 고흥군 외나로도 나방(곤충강: 나비목)의 생물다양성 연구

  • Published : 2008.08.31


The present study aimed to investigate the local moth fauna and population change during a year on Island Oenarodo (N34$^{\circ}$27'50", E127$^{\circ}$28'06", 74 m a. s. l.), Goheung-gun, Jeonnam. Moth collecting was carried out using a light trap from March to October, 2007. A total of 231 species and 562 individuals in 14 families were identified. Species of Noctuidae were the most abundant with 86 species and 163 individuals, followed by Geometridae (60 species and 147 individuals) and Pyralidae (39 species and 135 individuals), respectively. Monthly changes of moths species richness and abundance were M-shaped with two peaks at late Spring and late Summer. During the study, a geometrid, Menophra senilis, and a pyralid, Endotricha olivacealis were most abundant with 16 individuals. The estimated species richness using Chao 1 identified 646 species, suggesting that we need more extensive and long-term survey for the better understanding of the total moth fauna on the island.



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