urpose: This thesis is a study the Night myopia was surveyed by Subjective refraction and Objective refraction (Dark retinoscopy), and analyzed the relationship between them. It also looked at the relation between Night myopia and pupil size. Methods: 82 adult subjects (ages of 19 to 44, 44 males and 38 females) were examined by Subjective refraction and Objective refraction in the light place. Then Night myopia and pupil size were examined by Subjective refraction and Objective refraction in the dark again. The Statistics were analyzed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). Results: As the subjects became younger, the observed Night myopia was getting higher in both Subjective refraction, $x^2$=219.48 (p<0.01) and Objective refraction, $x^2$=241.98 (p<0.01). The relationship was statistically significant by showing large pupil size, $x^2$=151.74 (p<0.01). In Objective refraction, as pupil size became larger in the dark place, so did Night myopia, $x^2$=84.27 (p<0.01), reaching a statistically significant correlation, however, the correlation was low in Subjective refraction. In Subjective refraction, observed Night myopia was 73%, 64 examples of 88 examples, a standard of 0.96${\pm}$0.4584D in ${\pm}$0.25D, in male examples, and it was 64%, 49 examples of 76 examples, a standard of 1.01${\pm}$0.4509D in ${\pm}$0.25D, in female examples. In Objective refraction, it was 48%, 42 examples of 88 examples, in standard of 0.85${\pm}$0.4651D in ${\pm}$0.25D, in male examples. And it was 71%, 54 examples of 76 examples, in standard of 0.96${\pm}$0.4133D in ${\pm}$0.25D, in female examples. Conclusions: Night myopia which is measured by both methods, observed as $x^2$=265.35 (p<0.01) and showed a large relationship. The correlation between the two refractions suggests that observed night myopia diopter by Subjective refraction could be used as correction of night myopia.
목적: 이 논문은 야간근시를 자각적굴절검사와 타각적굴절검사로 측정하여 두 검사방법간의 상관관계를 분석하고 야간근시와 동공의 크기 그리고 교정굴절력과의 관계를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 성인 164안(19세에서 44세까지 남성 44명, 여성 38명)을 대상으로 밝은 곳에서 자각적굴절검사와 타각적굴절검사로 검사하고 어두운 곳에서 다시 자각적굴절검사와 타각적굴절검사로 야간근시량을 측정하고 동공의 크기도 측정하였다. 통계분석은 SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science)를 이용하여 검증하였다. 결과: 나이가 적을수록 자각적굴절검사 $x^2$값 =219.48(p<0.01)와 타각적굴절검사 $x^2$값=241.98(p<0.01)에서 측정된 야간근시량이 높았고 동공의 크기도 크고 $x^2$값=151.74(p<0.01), 모두 상관성이 높게 나타났다. 어두운 곳에서 동공크기가 클수록 타각적굴절검사에서 측정된 야간 근시량이 증가하였고, $x^2$값=84.27(p<0.01)로 높은 상관성이 있었으나 자각적굴절검사에서는 상관성이 적었다. 자각적굴절검사로 측정된 야간근시량은 남성에서 평균 0.96${\pm}$0.4584D를 중심으로 ${\pm}$0.25D 범위에서 64안으로 전체 88안중 73%가 분포하였고, 여성에서도 평균 1.01${\pm}$0.4509D를 중심으로 ${\pm}$0.25D 범위에서 49안으로 전체 76안중 64%가 분포하였다. 타각적굴절검사에서는 남성평균 0.85${\pm}$0.4651D를 중심으로 ${\pm}$0.25D 범위에서 42안으로 전체 88안 중 48%가 분포하였고 여성에서도 평균 0.96${\pm}$0.4133D를 중심으로 ${\pm}$0.25D 범위에서 54안으로 전체 76안중 71%가 분포하였다. 자각적굴절검사와 타각적굴절검사로 측정된 야간근시량은 $x^2$값=265.35(p<0.01)로 높은 상관성이 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 결론: 두 검사 간에 상관성이 높아 자각적굴절검사만으로 측정한 야간근시값을 야간근시 교정용으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 보여 진다.