마을하수도 운영실태 및 개선방안

A study on the management status of public small-scale sewage treatment facilities and the improvement

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


In this study, the management and improvement of public small-scale sewage treatment facilities was investigated. In order to improve the effective management of the operation of small-scale sewage treatment facilities, treatment methods and the problems associated with sewage treatment were carefully addressed based on the data and literature. The investigation results showed that sewer pipes in rural areas should be repaired to prevent sewage from leaking and small-scale operations should be required to have effective management for pollutant loads less than 50%. Also, new methods should be developed for low concentrations of sewage. A law associated with FRP treatment facilities should be established and local governments need to supervise these operations to avoid insufficient and faulty construction. It is recommended that new facilities are built with advanced treatment techniques when the old facility can not comply with nitrogen and phosphorous discharge limits. Moreover, the study shows that nutrient and coliform treatment efficiency improves when abandoned facilities are renovated with the installation of nitrification/denitrification and disinfection processes or another advanced process.



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