초등학교 사회과 교육과정과 교과서의 통합 편성에 관한 국제 비교 연구: 한국, 미국, 영국을 중심으로

An International Comparative Study on the Elementary Social Studies Curriculum and Textbooks

  • 투고 : 2008.01.05
  • 심사 : 2008.02.22
  • 발행 : 2008.08.31


The purpose of this paper was to compare and analyze the elementary curriculum and textbook integration of social studies in Korea, USA, and England in terms of content integration and to make suggestions for the improvement of Korean social studies curriculum and textbooks. For this study, social studies curriculum and textbooks of three different countries were analyzed according to the three criteria: sequence, types and focus of integration. In this comparative study, five suggestions were made for the improvement of the Korean elementary social studies curriculum and textbooks. First, Korean social studies curriculum should have a subject focus at each grade level. Second, it is recommended that Korean social studies curriculum should present clear interrelations among geography, history, and civics at each grade level. Third, Korean social studies curriculum needs to have diverse criteria on which to select and organize themes. Fourth, Korean social studies textbooks need to have increased number of interdisciplinary large units. Fifth, it is necessary that the authors of Korean social studies textbooks integrate contents in consideration of students' life context in order to raise the relevance of the contents of history and geography.



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