학교시설 임대형민자사업의 평가기준 개선연구

A Study on School Facilities Build Transfer Lease Project - Centering on the improvement of the assessment -

  • 권병구 (서울특별시 교육시설관리사업소 시설1과) ;
  • 이재림 (한국교원대학교 교육정책대학원) ;
  • 조진일 (한국교육개발원 교육시설 민간투자 지원센터)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


In this study, were prepared after statistical analysis was conducted of assessment items and marks distribution for the selection of executors of the BTL project. When tests of the degree of dispersion and degree of appropriateness for each assessment item were analyzed, it was found that the degree of dispersion among assessment points has the power of discrimination since it is highly marked in the design field and operation management field. In contrast, 'business management plan' and 'investment composition for economic quality assessment' have a low level of the power of discrimination since points given to them have smaller difference between business projects.
