In 1920s, Soviet silent films enjoyed unprecedentedly great prosperity throughout world film history. Particularly, Dziga Vertov could develop 'montage' in collaboration with Sergei Eisenstein and thereby could work as the engines behind development and leap of Soviet films toward 'new concepts' of 'new films' worldwide. However, Vertov's original reputations - the best film theorist and avant-gardist as well as great cineaste in his contemporary age - have been misunderstood or underestimated, so that he has been still misestimated or distorted as radical formalist and documentary propagandist. In regard to these points, this study aims to take Gilles Deleuze's modal esthetic approaches to further considering and historically re-highlighting D. Vertov's film theories that are based on the principle of 'film-reality' and the concept of 'Life As It Is' according to 'kino-eye' method and 'interval' theory as a part of futurism and constructivism breaking down any attribute of traditional narrative films.