네트워크 기업의 정보기술 아키텍처 프레임워크 연구

A Study on ITA(Information Technology Architecture) Framework for Networked Enterprises

  • 김덕현 (세종사이버대학교 경영학부 정보경영)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


Networked enterprise (NE) is an organization of independent companies that collaborate with each other temporary or permanently for accomplishing common goals. The USA and EU have been developing principal concepts, techniques, and solutions to enhance the competitiveness of traditional industries including small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs). In Korea, however, implementation as well as R&D of NE is very few, which we believe comes from lack of understanding on Its meaning and lack of effective information systems for it. This paper is to suggest an Enterprise Architecture (EA) framework or reference model of NE and an Information Technology Architecture (ITA) of NE. The EA framework will help stakeholder of NE (e,g., policy makers, members of NE, IT solution providers, and researchers) understand structural and behavioral characteristics of NE. The ITA will be used as a guideline of developing information systems for NE that is essential for spreading networked business models, The focus of this paper is not on logical-level design but on conceptual-level modeling of NE. As verification of the suggested framework and architecture is still required, so we'll apply them to various manifestations of NE, e.g., dynamic supply chain, vertical integration of extended enterprises, and P2P-style virtual enterprises.



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