우리나라 중소기업 정책정보시스템의 현황 및 개선 방향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Status and Improvement Direction of Korea SMEs Policy Information System

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


Korea 5MBA(Small and Medium Business Administration) is operating SMEs Policy Information System called SPi-1357 as a part of electronic government business, G4B. SPi-1357 system is offering tailor made policy information to a nation through on-off line system. In this paper, I provide the offering status of policy information, the status of SPi-1357 system, political results of SPi-1357 system, comparison with other country's policy information system, and the development direction of SPi-1357 system. Until now, most Policy Information Systems documents have focused on policy maker but the focus of this paper is functionally oriented SMEs.



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