인터넷 환경에서의 충동구매 의사결정과정에 관한 연구

A Study on Decision Making Process of Impulsive Buying on the Internet

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This study began with the proposition that, compared to the impulse buying in the conventional offline market, consumers will exhibit a different process of decision-making for impulse buying on the Internet as it has become easier to acquire information and purchase goods which are offered online like digital contents goods. To verify this roposition, this study attempted to find out the external and internal factors as that affect the impulse buying behavior by incorporating Theory of Planned Behavior In addition, this study seeks to confirm the role of alternative's attractiveness in terms of mediating between internal and internal factors affecting impulse buying. The major purpose of this study was to understand Impulse Buying Intention(IBI) for digital contents on the internet. The results of the this study showed that the behavior of impulse buying can be explained with the information searching in which the external factors for the marketing of digital contents affect the internal stimulation factors. It was also found that the impulse buying of digital contents on the Internet starts with non-planned impulse at the problem recognition stage, but planned decision-making will take over when it is proven to be effective with information searching.



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