정사각 덕트 초임계 상태 이산화탄소 가스 냉각과정 중 2차 유동 특성 측정 연구

Experimental Study on the Secondary Flow Characteristics of a Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Flow in a Gas Cooling Process Within a Square Duct

  • 발행 : 2008.02.05


The carbon dioxide properties change sharply near the critical or pseudo-critical point in the heat transfer processes. The reduction in turbulent, convective heat transfer parameters observed in some supercritical data and in experiments with common gases can be due to property variation, acceleration, buoyancy or combinations of these phenomena, depending on the conditions of the applications. In this study, the measurement for the secondary flow driven by buoyancy was carried out on the supercritical carbon dioxide turbulent flows in the different boundary condition with the constant mass flow rate. The available measuring techniques were used to clarify the behaviour of any supercritical fluid. Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) and a special device was used to measure the secondary velocity and turbulent characteristics of the supercritical flows.



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