중국의류산업에서 제조업체와 유통업체간 개인 Guanxi(관계, 關係)와 조직관계가 조직관계의 질 및 유통경로성과에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Private Guanxi and Organizational Relationship Type on Quality of Relationship and Performance of Distribution Channel -Focused on Apparel Manufactures and Distribution in China-

  • Moon, Young-Ok (Fashion Institute, Zhejiang Sci-tech University) ;
  • Park, Na-Ri (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University) ;
  • Park, Jae-Ok (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2008.11.30


The purpose of this study was 1) to find effects of private Guanxi and organizational relationship on quality of organizational relationship, 2) to find effects of private Guanxi and organizational relationship on performance of distribution channel, and 3) to also find effects of quality of organizational relationship on performance of distribution channel. Apparel manufacturers and distributors in China participated in the study. Random sampling method was used to collect the data. Data from 173 questionnaires were used for the statistical analysis. Factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and regression analysis was conducted. Two factors of private Guanxi were classified(i.e., affective Guanxi, instrumental Guanxi). Three factors of organizational relationship type were identified(i.e., opportunistic relationship, cooperative relationship, vertical relationship). The result indicated that affective Guanxi in terms of private Guanxi positively affected on quality of organizational relationship. Cooperative relationship and vertical relationship in terms of organizational relationship positively affected on quality of organizational relationship. Affective Guanxi positively affected on non-financial performance and financial performance in terms of performance of distribution channel. Instrumental Guanxi in terms of private Guanxi positively affected on financial performance only. Cooperative relationship in terms of organizational relationship positively affected on non-financial performance and vertical relationship positively affected on financial performance. Quality of organizational relationship positively affected on non-financial performance and vertical relationship positively affected on financial performance.



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