최신 여성 패션에 나타난 세퍼레이션 색채 코디네이션의 특성

The Characteristics of Separation Color Coordination In Current Women's Fashion collections of Paris, Milan, N.Y, London from 2004 SS - 2008 A W - centering on the types of color scheme, color harmony, separation color -

  • 권혜숙 (상명대학교 디자인 대학 의상 디자인)
  • Kwon, Hae-Sook (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Sang Myung University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


The main objective of this research was to understand the characteristics of separation color coordination of contemporary female fashion through the analysis of 'pre-a-porter Collections' of four collections (i. e. cities) - Paris, Milan, New York, London - from the periods of 2004 S/S to 2008/9 A/W. The data collection of 265 was done by reviewing 'pre-a-porter Collections' magazine and total 265 observations were made. Statistical analysis of frequency and also qualitative interpretation of separation color coordination characteristics were completed. The main findings were; (1) In separation color coordination of contemporary women's fashion collections, there were three main types of color scheme which were classified into seven detailed categories of color combination. First was the achromatic color & one chromatic separation color scheme which was classified into four categories of - black & white, black & grey, white & grey, and grey & grey - color combination. Second was the chromatic colors & one achromatic separation color scheme which classified into two categories of achromatic & chromatic color & one achromatic separation color combination, and chromatic colors & one achromatic separation color combination. Third was chromatic colors and one chromatic separation color combination. (2) The achromatic colors and one chromatic separation color scheme showed two phases of reinforcing the strong and modern image, or softening the hard and dull image of achromatic color combination. In color schemes which used more than two chromatic colors, the separation color frequently converted the tedious and monotonous fashion image, which caused by identical or similarity in color or tone harmony, into more attractive and interesting. (3) In conclusion, through the various use and coordination of various color schemes, color harmony and separation colors, the separation color coordination in contemporary female fashion has been suggested the effective way of color combination which can lead the visual pleasure and the vitality along with the unity and the harmony. This characteristics can create various images and visual diversity for fashion. The types and the use of color scheme and separation color showed different trends in four collections.



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  40. Collections, 04 S/S, I,II,III' 04'05 A/W I,II,III., '05 S/S I,II,III., 05/06 A/W I,II,III. 06 S/S I,II,III., 06/07 A/W I,II,III. 07 S/S I,II,III., 07/08 A/W I,II,III. 08 S/S I,II,III, 08/09 A/W I,II,III
  41. Collections, 05 SS, III, Paris, P.138
  42. Collections, 04/05 AW, III, Paris, P.84
  43. Collections, 04/05 AW,III, Paris, P.18
  44. Collections, 08/09 AW, I, N.Y, P.146
  45. Collections, 08/09 AW, III, Paris, P.30
  46. Collections 08/09 AW, I, N.Y, P.359
  47. Collections, 07/08 AW, III, Paris, P.76
  48. Collections, 08 SS, III, Paris, P.144
  49. Collections, 04/05 AW, III, Paris,.P.359
  50. Collections, 07 SS, III, Paris, P.326
  51. Collections, 07 SS, III, Paris, P.155
  52. Collections, 08 SS, II, Milan, P.27
  53. Collections, 05 SS, III, Pairs, P.35
  54. Collections, 04 SS, II, Milan, P.147
  55. Collections, 04 SS, II, Milan, P.142