연속회분식 반응 장치에서 Ferrate를 이용한 Cu(II)-EDTA 함유 폐수 처리 연구

Treatment of Wastewater Containing Cu(II)-EDTA Using Ferrate in Sequencing Batch Scale System

  • Kim, Hyoung-Uk (Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwandong University) ;
  • Kim, Byeong-Kwon (Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Mok (Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwandong University) ;
  • Yang, Jae-Kyu (Division of General Education, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Kim, Hyun-Ook (Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
  • Kwan, Jung-An (Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
  • Im, Hang-Sik (Korea Testing & Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2008.07.31


높은 산화상태를 갖는 철화합물인 ferrate(Fe$^{6+}$)를 Cu(II)-EDTA가 오염된 폐수를 처리하는데 적용하였다. Fe(VI)는 3가 철염에 차아염소산을 가하여 습식 산화시키는 방법을 적용하여 제조하였으며 93% 이상의 순도를 얻을 수 있었다. 용액에서의 Fe(VI)의 안정성은 pH가 낮을수록 자체분해반응이 가속화됨으로써 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 자외선-가시광선 분광광도계를 사용하여 Fe(VI)의 환원정도를 측정하였다. 실험실규모의 연속회분식 반응장치를 Cu(II)-EDTA 함유 폐수처리에 적용함으로서 Cu(II)-EDTA의 산화특성, Fe(III)에 대한 구리이온의 거동 특성 그리고 유기물의 제거능을 조사하였다. 연속처리를 위한 반응조 및 pH 조정조에서 총 구리의 제거는 체류시간 120분에서 각각 69% 및 75%로서 최대 제거율을 보였으며 체류시간 120분 경과 후 Cu(II)-EDTA의 비착물화 정도는 80% 이상을 보였다. 본 연구를 통하여 Fe(VI)를 다기능성 처리제로서 사용하여 Cu(II)와 EDTA가 함께 존재하는 폐수를 연속적으로 처리하는 공정을 개발하였다.

The higher valence state of iron i.e., Fe(VI) was employed for the treatment of Cu(II)-EDTA in the aqueous/waste waters. The ferrate(VI) was prepared through wet oxidation of Fe(III) by sodium hypochlorite. The purity of prepared Fe(VI) was above 93%. The stability of Fe(VI) solution decreased as solution pH decreased through self decomposition. The reduction of Fe(VI) was obtained by using the UV-Visible measurements. The dissociation of Cu(II)-EDTA complex through oxidation of EDTA using Fe(VI) and subsequent treatment of organic matter and metal ions by Fe(III) reduced from Fe(VI) in bench-scale of continuous flow reactor were studied. The removal efficiencies of copper were 69% and 79% in pH control basin and reactor, respectively, at 120 minutes as retention time. In addition, Cu(II)-EDTA in the reactor was decomplexated more than 80% after 120 minutes as retention time. From this work, a continuous treatment process for the wastewater containing metal and EDTA by employing Fe(VI) as muluti-functional agent was developed.



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