비영리민간단체를 대상으로 한 주거복지 의식조사 연구

Non-Governmental Organizations' Perception on Housing Welfare Policy and Local Governance

  • 발행 : 2007.08.25


Today, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are considered to be an important actor in the policy process. Based on this fact, this study aims to analyze the perception of the housing-related NGOs in Korea. Questions were prepared around two main themes: housing welfare policy and local governance. The data were collected in 11 cities where multi-party talks on housing welfare were held in April and in May 2007. The results are as follows. When it comes to housing welfare policy, housing supply should be combined with rehabilitation policy of low-income households. The roles of local government are strongly emphasized. Stabilization of housing market is important, but concrete measures should be necessary to help those who cannot participate in housing transaction. Concerning local governance issues, local government is expected to play a great role in setting up a productive policy network; NGOs are inclined to rely on public aid; An emphasis is put on professional and academic education which can make housing welfare delivery system more effective. With the questionnaire survey results, evolution and characteristics of the NGO movements in the Korean housing sector and the recent change of housing policy orientations are explained. And, strengthening communication channel between central and local actors, participation of NGOs in the various housing surveys, establishing a regular forum on the local level, and so on, are proposed in the conclusion.



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