의복관여도와 충성성향이 정보탐색 활동에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Clothing Involvement and Loyalty Orientation on the Information Search Behavior

  • 임경복 (세명대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of clothing involvement, store and brand loyalty orientation on the information search behavior. The study subjects comprised 298 females living in Seoul and Kyung-gi area. The data were analyzed with factor analysis, regression, cluster analysis, ANOVA and correlation analysis. Clothing involvement and information search behavior consisted of various factors. Clothing involvement, store and brand loyalty influenced information search behavior. Fashion and clothing involvement was the most important factor which influenced all loyalty and information search behavior(i.e. brand and store loyalty, personal and nonpersonal information search behavior). According to store and brand loyalty factors, female consumers classified into three groups : low loyalty, brand loyalty and store loyalty group. Three groups showed different clothing involvement, information search, clothing purchasing behavior and demographic variables. Therefore, loyalty orientation is the important factor which can describe the consumer behavior more effectively.



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