순수미술과 패션 속의 물질성의 표현과 무정형성 경향

The Expression of Materiality and Formlessness in Fine Art and Fashion

  • Yun, Su-Jeong (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Min-Ja (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.07.31


Fine art and fashion have influences on each other since both of them are the part of a culture. The similar patterns of fine art and fashion can be found either in the same period or in the different time. To find out this fact in the forms or content, this study researched into the fine art and fashion of 1960s and into recent year's fashion to see the revivals. In 1960s, fine art and fashion laid emphasis on the materiality of material itself, therefore both fine art and fashion have the tendency of formlessness and disorder in form. It ran be said that the socio-cultural background of this phenomenon in 1960s was mainly caused by the young generation called Hippies. They became a large influential social group that has a huge impact on overall culture in 1960s. As a result, this study firstly found that the fine art and fashion had common formative features and content in 1960s. Secondly, fashion since 1990 repeats the similar features in form like the Post-minimal tendency in fine art in 1960s. The similar features can be described as: artworks have the tendency of the formlessness and disorder in appearances; various materials were newly used to form a work, which had never been used in traditional artworks; new methods such as hanging, layering and knotting were applied to show the maximum expression of the materiality. However, unlike the fashion of 1960s, the Post-minimal tendency in fashion since 1990s doesn't symbolized freedom or peace, or opposition to the war anymore. Instead, only the formative elements were revived and reproduced and the formless tendency became one of the recent fashion trends.



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