Nutrition Education Status in Industrial Workers with Meal Service by Dietitian Recognized Stage of Nutrition Education

산업체영양사의 영양교육 인식단계별 직장인 영양교육 현황

  • 오희정 (수원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이승교 (수원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 원향례 (상지대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


This study was made to analyze the condition and the needs of nutrition education considering the different stage of nutrition education recognized by the dietitian in industrial area. 165 female dietitian were surveyed by questionnaire and they were divided into 4 groups according to the different recognition stages of nutrition education: Pre-contemplation(PC) 4.8%, Contemplation(CO) 46.7%, Preparation(PR) 22.4%, Action & Maintenance phase(AM) 26.1%. For statistical analysis, SAS(Ver.8.1. for Window) was used to find out the distribution related with nutrition education and to calculate the scores of mean and standard deviation. General characteristics of the subjects are about 20 years old(71.5%), single(69.7%), careers over 5 years(40%) and university graduates(73.9%). The number of meals(p<0.05) and the employment status(p<0.05) were significantly different according to the recognized stage of nutrition education. The practice of nutrition education was different depending on the dietitian in the industry. Many of the factory dietitian were in pre-contemplation stage(87.5%), however, those in the office and service area were more in Action & Maintenance stage(27.9%). In the industrial area, just 26.1% of dietitian operated the nutrition education and most did not due to the work overload and insufficient support of staff(73.3%). The frequency for the most effective nutrition education was once a month(61.2%). The contents for desirable nutrition education were in the order of 'eating habits'(36.1%), 'relation with the daily life'(23.5%), 'food hygiene' (21.7%), 'nutrition knowledge'(9.7%), and 'disease prevention'(9%). In operating nutrition education, dietitian had concerns about 'insufficient support of staff', 'shortage of teaching materials' and 'lack of time'. And, the dietitian who were with lower recognition stage of nutrition education(P<0.05) concerned more about the insufficient educational contents. In conclusion, dietitian in the industry highly recognized the need of nutrition education, but it was so difficult to practice. For more programs and various materials should be developed, and the staff's perception, the view of dietitian and the meal service should be changed, too. For the health improvement of industrial workers, it would be necessary to proclaim the importance of nutrition education nationwide.
