The Survey of Materials Receiving and Monitoring of Parents in Primary School Food Service

초등학교 학교급식 학부모 식재료 검수 및 모니터링 활동에 대한 실태조사

  • Kim, Myung-Hee (Department of Food & Nutrition, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University) ;
  • Yoon, Kyung-Og (Department of Food & Nutrition, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University)
  • 김명희 (공주대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 윤경옥 (공주대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


The study examined the level of understanding and satisfaction of parents who should receive the food materials and monitor the food service, and would provided the basic data for more desirable school feeding system. The analysis was based on the participation level in materials receiving and food service monitoring, condition of equipment, knowledge about materials and the opinions about monitoring education. 160 monitors out of Daejeon primary schools were used and 60% of them were in the age of thirties and the others were in forties. Equipment condition for material receiving was good and most of the monitors were familiar with the ways of using the machines. Difficulties of material receiving were found in meat(65.6%) and sea food(21.9%), and the ratios of activities and the intention to participate in monitoring education were high with 25.0% and 72.5% respectively. Most of the monitors thought sanitary conditions of food materials(100.0%) and delivery persons(96.9%) were very good or good. And 90% of the respondents changed their perception of school food service positive after monitoring. In conclusion, most of the parents wanted to participate in the monitoring and material receiving actively and showed great willingness to receive monitoring education.
