건설.운영비를 고려한 수도권 전철의 운임체계 및 승차권제도 개선방안

The Improvement Plan on Fare and Ticketing System of Seoul Metropolitan Subway Considering Construction and Operational Costs

  • 이태식 (한양대학교 건설환경공학과) ;
  • 류종원 (서울메트로 영업팀) ;
  • 정철 (SK건설 전사리스크관리팀, 서울산업대학교 철도전문대학원 철도경영정책학) ;
  • 이동욱 (제주대학교 토목환경공학)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Operation a subway company requires high amount of early construction, operation and maintenance costs. Seoul Metro, one of the public subway companies in Seoul, Korea, has undergone operational deficit from its establishment, and the main reason is that the early construction and operation cost exceed the total revenue. Therefore, detailed researches on current operation system and possible alternatives are conducted to settle down finance trouble of the company. In particular, problems on operation and ticketing systems are analyzed, and based on that, necessity and detailed plan of railroad pass for one day are introduced and analyzed.



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