신설아파트 열병합발전 도입에 대한 예비 타당성 분석기법 개발

Development of a Method of Pre-Feasibility Study for the Application of Co-Generation System in New Apartment

  • 기우봉 (강원대학교 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 김광호 (강원대학교 전기전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


The object of this study is the development of a Method which is enable to review the preliminary feasibility for co-generation system in new apartment buildings. In Korea co-generation systems have been installed in most of large industrial plants and commercial buildings which consume a large quantity of electric and heat energy, for energy saving and cutting products cost, under positive governmental supports. However for apartment buildings which consume quite a large electric and heat energy, are still remained in conventional energy supply system, and are not popular to utilize useful co-generation system. One of the major reason for these is the lack of clear and easy justification tool. In this circumstance, this study can provide a tool to verify the feasibility of co-generation in apartment buildings with this handy tools for planners and designers beforehand.
