The changing of fitness and exercise guidelines for old adults

노인들의 체력 변화와 운동의 제언

  • Yoon, Byung-Kon (Department of Sports an Leisure study, Yonsei Univeristy)
  • 윤병곤 (연세대학교 사회체육학과)
  • Published : 2007.06.25


The aging is related to numerous changes in our body system which declines functional ability. The functional ability in advanced age can be evaluated by the 4 components of fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition). The understanding and knowledge of changing 4 components of fitness and the role of exercise on the process of aging is of paramount importance. Despite exercise and physical activity have been shown to delay the process of aging, the exercise guidelines and recommendations for old adults are not well published. This review is to presents the age-related changes in each component of fitness and to present current guidelines and recommendations for exercise in older adults.



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