일본 유니트케어의 도입배경과 건축적 특징에 관한 연구 - 일본 신형 특별양호노인홈의 사례를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Background and Architectural Characteristics of Unit-care System in Japan - Regarding with the New-Model of Welfare Facilities for Aged Japan -

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


The purpose of this study is to propose our direction of long-tenn care facility for elderly. The long-tenn care insurance plays an important role for human well-being. The functional and architectural changes of Japanese elderly care facilities have been analysed in order to predict changes in Korean welfare facilities. In Japan, Unit-care and private rooms are essential elements after reforming welfare facilities for aged. This study proposes components of unit-care through the analysis of 20 facilities for the aged. A unit is basically consist of private rooms, rest room, public living area, kitchen, health care service station, and bath room. Besides, smoking room, tea room, public terrace, guest room, court yard, and so on can be added. A unit can be connected with other unit by semi-public spaces or can be independently organized. This relationship has been classified into 2 types; Open unit type and Separated unit type.



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