This study examines empirically the characteristics of agricultural corporations in terms of their market and technology environment and the efficiency of the governmental support to the firms. Also the study analyzes the moderating effect of the environmental characteristics on the relationship between governmental supports and firm performance based on the concept of balanced performance. Test results show that firm tend to evaluate favorably their technology and market competitiveness of product quality and price and to require tools for reaction to changes of customer needs and technology or competing products and external corporation that is necessary for long-term technological competitiveness. As for governmental support, strategic support and service is much more appreciated than direct individual supporting item. Agricultural corporations with unfavorable market environment evaluate relatively high on their balanced performance. Correlations of balanced performance factors and technology environmental factors show all positive statistical significance. The moderating effect of the environmental characteristics on the relationship between governmental support and balanced performance can be interpreted that the support is provided without considering environmental aspect and based only on financial performance and as a result not to be satisfied by agricultural corporations with technological competitiveness.