A Fundamental Study on Properties of Method of Packaged Dry Combined Materials for Concrete -based on using high absorption aggregate-

건조된 재료를 혼합 포장한 콘크리트의 특성에 관한 기초적 연구 -흡수율이 높은 골재 사용 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2007.03.20


Ordinary concrete uses aggregate sufficiently soaked with water, and is weighed, mixed with other materials and placed in accord with performances required in the construction field. Recently special concrete with high fluidity and durability is required but it is difficult to use top-quality concrete due to lack of high-quality aggregate, delayed transportation because of traffic jam, etc. In addition, sometimes the use of a remicon is inevitable just for small-sized concrete constructions or it is difficult for a remicon to reach remote construction places such as mountainous areas. To solve these problems, this study attempted to pack concrete materials. In other words, it is to instantize concrete. This study dried aggregate, a material of concrete, and compared the change of absorption phase of the aggregate in water and in paste in order to examine the effect of the dryness of aggregate on its absorption rate and, based on the absorption rate, decided water addition ratio necessary for the reduction of unit quantity caused by the use of dry aggregate in designing concrete mixture, and analyzed the properties of unhardened concrete according to water addition ratio in manufacturing concrete using aggregate in the state of absolute dryness and in the state of surface dryness.



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