Field Application of the Concrete with the Combination of Drying Shrinkage-Reducing Superplasticizer and Double Layer Bubble Sheet

건조수축 저감형 유동화제 및 2 중 버블시트를 사용한 콘크리트의 현장적용

  • Published : 2007.03.20


This study investigates the filed application in Daebul Free Trade Zone applying both a flowing method using drying shrinkage-reducing superplasticizer(SRS) and an insulating curing method using double layer bubble sheet. Test results showed that fresh concrete satisfied target slump and air content. A structure adding SRS significantly decreased the total bleeding capacity and accelerated the setting time. As for the crack occurrence, the structure applying the flowing method and double bubble sheets simultaneously exhibited the most favorable crack endurance, while conventional concrete showed more than 1mm size of crack in overall. In addition, a structure applying the flowing concrete method partially presented the micro crack. For the area proportion of crack occurrence, the structure using the double bubble sheets indicated 9.8%, while others applying flowing concrete method was 28%, compared with that of conventional one. For the compressive strength of specimens, standard curing specimens indicated $3{\sim}33%$ higher value than that of specimens cured besides the field construction. The specimens containing SRS improved the strength of $2{\sim}6MPa$, which is $10{\sim}22%$ higher than that of conventional concrete.



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