아동의 사회적 관계 및 심리적 특성과 문제 행동의 관계

Children's social relationships, psychological characteristics, and behavior problems

  • 최유정 (이화여자대학교 사회과학대학 사회과학연구소) ;
  • 최샛별 (이화여자대학교 사회과학대학 사회학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.30


This study investigates the effects of children's social relationships and psychological characteristics on their behavior problems. Behavior problems comprise violations of norms, bullying, and deviant behavior in the cyberspace. A data set of 2949 Korean children in their 4th grade is analyzed to yield three main results. First, variables such as contact with delinquent friends, aggressiveness, stress of appearance complex, gender, and depression have significant effects on violations of norms. Children who have more delinquent friends, higher level of aggressiveness, stress of appearance complex, or depression report more violations of norms. Second, delinquent friends, stress of peer relationship, aggressiveness, stress of appearance complex, gender, parents' violent attitudes toward children, and negative self-image are turned out to be important variables predicting bullying. Children with more delinquent friends, higher level of stress, higher level of aggressiveness, or lower self-image are more likely to experience bullying. Children who perceive their parents to be violent show more bullying experience. Third, each of aggressiveness, delinquent friends, stress of appearance complex, gender, relationship with teacher, and family income has significant effect on deviant behavior in cyberspace. Children with higher level of aggressiveness, more delinquent friends, stress of appearance complex, or negative impression of teacher are more likely to deviate in cyberspace. Children from higher income families report more deviant behavior in cyberspace. Boys show more experiences in every category of behavior problems than girls.



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