전시공간에 표현되어진 체(體)지각 개념의 유형고찰 - '움직임'을 중심으로 -

A Study on physical conception expressed in exhibition space -Focused on Movement-

  • 최희랑 (영진전문대학 실내건축디자인) ;
  • 차상기 (경북대학교 건축공학과 건축계획)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


The space where one's body lives is not only a space as the simple environment that is built with the physical factors, but also a space experienced by a movement accompanied by the concept of body perception including mental activities. In this study, the importance of the body is recognized and the meaning of the space of body perception including mental activities is understood. In this manner, the spatial unfolding phase and expression features are to be investigated through a standard of "What do they change?" by grasping those as a flexible space that changes spatial recognition. The following results have been drawn in this study; First, the application of the flexible concept in the space can give rise to the activities of an experiencing person in terms of being the object of spatial experience and appreciation. Also, the application changes a slightly static concept into a relative and dynamic space by introducing the movement. Second, the establishment of a space by a human's movement is accompanied by all perceptions and enables to perceive the space shape, the space itself and mutual communication between the spaces. Third, the expression of the human's movement in the fixed form of space lies in the extension of the fused spacial area with an observer beyond the physical spatial limitation. As human body intervenes in space, the meaning of the space has become more abundant and diverse and the space will be presented as the arena for sensitive and flexible communication as a responsive space that corresponds.



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