형태생성과 연관된 공간디자인의 형태어휘 추출

A Study on the Extraction of Formal Vocabularies related with Form Generation in Space Design

  • 최은희 (서울대학교 대학원 디자인학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


This research is progressed on the premise that there is a basic rule to organize a space in form generation process. In this study first, antecedent researches are inquired, and formal vocabularies related with form generation in space design are founded. Generally in the organizing process of spatial form designer could have selectively combined formal vocabularies consciously or unconsciously, and these formal vocabularies related with form generation are classified with 'formal elements' and 'spatial relationships'. First, as formal elements '2-dimensional line elements(rectilinear, oblique-linear, curvilinear)' are chosen. Second, formal vocabularies of 'spatial relationships' are 37 extracted from literatures related with architectural language or spatial language. Among them there are several vocabularies with similar or same meaning, they are unitized to representative one. Thereupon 20 vocabularies are finally selected as the formal vocabularies of 'spatial relationships', they are addition, subtraction, intersection, superimposition, juxtaposition, shifting, rotation, reflection, scaling, stretching, shear, bending, folding, distortion, articulation, deconstruction, symmetry, repetition, proportion, and asymmetry.



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