Long-Term Shoreline Change and Evaluation of Total Longshore Sediment Transport Rate on Hupo Beach

후포해빈에서 해안선의 장기변화 및 전연안표사량의 추정

  • Park, Il-Heum (Ocean Engineering Program, School of Marine Technology, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Young-Kweon (Marine Ranching Development & Management Center, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute)
  • 박일흠 (전남대학교 해양기술학부 해양공학) ;
  • 이영권 (국립수산과학원 바다목장사업단)
  • Published : 2007.08.31


The harbor siltation by longshore sediment transports has become a serious problem on the East Coast of Korea. A reasonable prediction of the longshore sediment rate is important to approach the siltation problem effectively. In the recently developed 1-line model, the empirical constants of the sediment transport formula, which include the absolute quantity of sediment transport rate and the spatial distribution of breaking wave height by wave deformation, are treated as calibration parameters. Since these constants should be determined by the very long-term shoreline data, the longshore sediment rates are much more reasonable values. The method was applied to Hupo Beach, which has experienced heavy siltation. The authors also discuss long-term shoreline change using aerial photos and the observed wave-induced current patterns. According to the result, the SW-direction sediment transport rate was $146,892m^3/year$, and the NE direction was $2,694,450m^3/year$ at Hupo Beach for the last 11 years. The siltation in Hupo Harbor might be affected by the NE-direction sediment transport from Hupo Beach.



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