회전하는 탁구공의 비행경로 예측에 대한 연구

A Study of the prediction of spinning table-tennis balls

  • 발행 : 2006.03.31


The motion of a spinning table-tennis ball is investigated in both theory and experiment. The equation of motion of spinning table-tennis ball is made using aerodynamics and calculated by C++ program In theoretical part, gravity, drag force and lift force are regarded as main force. Velocity, angular velocity, mass and Drag and lift coefficients are considered as a independent variable. Experiments are made by a digital stroboscope, a digital camera and a mirror, and snap multi-exposed images were took as a dependent result In experimental part, both magnitude and direction of velocity and angular velocity are changed in each situation. The predicted three-dimensional trajectories of spinning balls are compared with experimental trajectories. As a result the theoretical trajectories were predicted within 10% of experimental trajectories.



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