A Study on Gene Detection using Non-labeling DNA

  • Choi Yong-Sung (Department of Electrical Engineering, Dongshin University) ;
  • Lee Kyung-Sup (Department of Electrical Engineering, Dongshin University) ;
  • Kwon Young-Soo (Department of Electrical Engineering, Donga University)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.01


This research aims to develop the multiple channel electrochemical DNA chip using microfabrication technology. At first, we fabricated a high integration type DNA chip array by lithography technology. Several probe DNAs consisting of thiol group at their 5-end were immobilized on the gold electrodes. Then target DNAs were hybridized and reacted. Cyclic voltammetry showed a difference between target DNA and control DNA in the anodic peak current values. Therefore, it is able to detect a plural genes electrochemically after immobilization of a plural probe DNA and hybridization of non-labeling target DNA on the electrodes simultaneously. It suggested that this DNA chip could recognize the sequence specific genes.



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