Fault Detection for Extended Kalman Filter Using a Predictor and Its Application to SDINS

예측필터를 이용한 확장칼만필터 고장검출 및 SDINS에의 적용

  • Published : 2006.09.29


In this paper, a new fault detection method for the extended Kalman filter, which uses a N-step predictor, is proposed. The N-step predictor performs the only time propagations for N-step intervals without measurement updates and its output is used as a monitoring signal for the fault detection. A consistency between the extended Kalman filter and the N-step predictor is tested to detect a fault. A test statistic is defined by the difference between the extended Kalman filter and the N-step predictor. The proposed method is applied to strapdown inertial navigation system (SDINS). By computer simulation, it is shown that the proposed method detects a fault effectively.



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