차기 보병전투장갑차 포신 처짐량 예측 및 명중률 분석

Analysis of the Estimation of the Deflection and Hit Probability of a Gun Barrel of Next Infantry Fighting Vehicle

  • 발행 : 2006.09.29


A gun barrel of infantry fighting vehicle is supported like a type of cantilever. Temperature of a gun barrel is increased by heat transfer due to the combustion of propellant charge during the firing. Thus, the muzzle of a gun barrel is deflected in accordance with its temperature and the accuracy rate is decreased by deflection of the muzzle. In this study, deflection of a gun barrel is estimated by measuring its restoration rate because measuring the deflection rate is difficult due to the vibration of the gun barrel during the firing. In order to obtain the relations between deflection rate and restoration rate of the 40mm gun barrel of Next Infantry Fighting Vehicle(NIFV) under varying temperature, measurement of deflection rate and restoration rate is carried out using 5.56mm Remington rifle barrel. Effect of the estimated deflection rate of a gun barrel of NIFV on the hit probability is also analyzed.



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